Painting History


Painting History / History Painting

By painting history through museum dioramas, I seek to represent representation rather than history itself.  My careful and accurate paintings strategically fall short of the grand narrative tradition called history-painting and instead recall the amateurish, playful and naïve world of war games, illustration and toy soldiers.  To this end, my paintings demonstrate something of the constructiveness of history and may allegorically suggest how our current military actions around the world may be represented in the future.

Action Paintings

Little Wars (make me)

In his 1913 book, Little Wars H.G Wells wrote one of the first rulebooks for "playing soldiers".  By creating a wargame he satirically suggested that with such a guide, generals could fight their battles across the floor instead of battlefields.  The "Great War", or "War to End all Wars" as it was then called started one year later.  Needless to say it wasn't the last war.  Appropriating Wells's title engages narratives of history and painting through strategies of play.  During the exhibition, visitors were free to add to the mural with the ink and lino-stamps provided.  This mural derives something from the propagandistic panoramic woodblock prints of the Reformation, but more obviously, the stamp imagery and the invitation to "play" recalls children's floor games.  The subtitle (Make Me) may be interpreted as a command, act of defiance, plea or instruction and thus satirically plays with the agendas of traditional "history painting".

Little Wars (make me)

Canadian Art Magazine, Aug. 26th, 2010 ( PDF )