History Painting

watercolour, ink, gouache on paper 35 x 50 cm. 2008. *
This drawing is based on archival photos of General Patton’s decoy army in the months prior to the 1944 D-Day invasion. So as to deceive the Germans as to the invasion plans of the allied army, thousands of rubber inflatable decoy tanks, artillery guns, planes and landing crafts were amassed around Dover, England. This decoy army tricked the Germans into believing the main allied invasion would be made somewhere near Calais, France.

watercolour, gouache, 2 papers 35 x 110 cm (total) 2007
Sarajevo is a small watercolour, gouache and pencil painting. It depicts Canadian peacekeepers on one of the many past UN peacekeeping missions that we have become so proud of. This painting is based on a diorama found in the Royal Canadian Regiment Museum in London, Ontario and it is part of my ongoing consideration of the question, how do we represent our military history?