History Painting


cardboard and paper, length 40 inches, 2017.

Detachment print multiple installation etching, and aquatint 2010


3 inch tall paper soldier etching kit figures. Detachments of 30 figures (army platoon) sent across Canada and abroad.

Sopwith Camel WW1

oil on Revell box lid, 12 x 18 cm. 2014.

US Marines

oil on Tamiya box lid, 15 x 18 cm, 2017.

Little Wars (Make Me) Print Installation travelling project, printing completed by gallery visitors. lino-stamp mural & installation elements variable dimensions 2010

LIttle Wars (make me)

Art Gallery of Greater Victoria. BC. 2010.

The Picture oil on cardboard box lid 17 x 26 cm 2010

The Picture

oil on cardboard box lid 17 x 26 cm 2010

Proposition for a Shipping Monument plywood and mixed media 2010 Open: 9 feet diameter, 7 feet tall. Closed: 65 x 20 x 48 inches

Proposition for a Shipping Monument

mixed media fold-out sculpture.
open: 8 feet diameter, 6 feet tall.
closed: 21/2 x 5 x 4 feet.

The Plane

scraped etching and aquatint (edition of 12 prints), 56 x 61 cm. 2010.


linocut 3 x 5 inches,
(invite for Toronto Outdoor Art Show, 1999).

American GI’s, WWII

oil on Tamiya box lid, 30 x 16 cm, 2018.

German Assault Troops WWII

oil on Tamiya box lid, 30 x 16 cm, 2018.

German Observation Troops WWII

oil on Tamiya cardboard box, 30 x 16 cm. 2018.

Ship-in-a-Box, etching & aquatint print, mixed media. Open: 40 x 30 x 22 cm. Closed: 6 x 20 x 30cm. 2012.

Ship in a Box

etching aquatint, mixed media sculpture.
open: 8 inches tall, 2012.

Battleship oil on cardboard box lid 15 x 30 cm 2010


oil on cardboard box lid 15 x 30 cm 2010

Installation View: White Water Gallery, North Bay, 2010.

Installation View

White Water Gallery, North Bay, 2010.

Russian Infantry, WWII

oil on Airfix box lid, 12 x 14 cm 2017.

German Infantry, WWII

oil on Airfix box lid, 4.5 x 5.5 cm. 2017

En Garde

ink, gouache and pencil on blue paper, 35 x 50 cm. 2008.

German Africa Korps, WWII

oil on Airfix box lid, 4.5 x 5.5 cm. 2017.

Desert Storm

etching and aquatint, 12 x 18 inches, 2012.

Aircraft Carrier

Oil on cardboard box lid, 22 x 30 cm. 2018.

Gundeck watercolour and gouache 41 x 57 cm 2007


watercolour and gouache 41 x 57 cm 2007

British 8th Army “Desert Rats” WWII

oil on Airfix box lid, 12 x 14 cm, 2018.

The Game ink, charcoal, watercolour on paper 50 x 65 cm 2008

The Game

ink, charcoal, watercolour on paper
50 x 65 cm. 2008.

Deckbridge Railroad Bridge

oil on cardboard box, 7.5 x 25 cm. 2018.

Mounted Knights

oil on Warhammer box lid, 13 x 16 cm 2018.


oil on Warhammer box lid, 13 x 16 cm 2018.


oil on Playmobil box, 15 x 10 cm 2018.

British Redcoats at Waterloo

oil on Perry Miniatures box lid, 6 x 23 cm 2018.

The Model Watercolour & gouache on kraft paper 34 x 29 cm 2008 *

The Model

watercolour & gouache on kraft paper
34 x 29 cm 2008.*


mezzotint and chine colé on paper, 2005.

Vimy watercolour and gouache 35 x 50 cm 2006


watercolour and gouache 35 x 50 cm 2006


ink, charcoal, gesso, watercolour on kraft paper, 50 x 55 cm. 2008. *

Painting ink, charcoal, watercolour on paper 65 x 50 cm 2008


ink, charcoal, watercolour on paper
65 x 50 cm. 2008.

Both Sides watercolour & gouache 36 x 90 cm 2007

Both Sides

watercolour & gouache 36 x 90 cm 2007

Like This watercolour, ink & charcoal 120 x 75 cm 2008

Like This

watercolour, ink & charcoal 120 x 75 cm. 2008. *

Knock-out watercolour postcard 10 x 15 cm 2008


watercolour postcard 10 x 15 cm 2008


watercolour, ink & charcoal, 120 x 75 cm. 2008.

KIA watercolour postcard 10 x 15 cm 2008


watercolour postcard 10 x 15 cm 2008

Tank watercolour, ink, gouache on paper 35 x 50 cm 2008


watercolour, ink, gouache on paper 35 x 50 cm. 2008. *
This drawing is based on archival photos of General Patton’s decoy army in the months prior to the 1944 D-Day invasion. So as to deceive the Germans as to the invasion plans of the allied army, thousands of rubber inflatable decoy tanks, artillery guns, planes and landing crafts were amassed around Dover, England. This decoy army tricked the Germans into believing the main allied invasion would be made somewhere near Calais, France.

Stretcher Bearers watercolour 18 x 24 cm 2008

Stretcher Bearers

watercolour 18 x 24 cm 2008

The Experiment ink and pencil on handmade paper 40 x 35 cm 2009

The Experiment

ink and pencil on handmade paper, 40 x 35 cm. 2009.

Sarajevo watercolour, gouache, 2 papers 35 x 110 cm (total) 2007


watercolour, gouache, 2 papers 35 x 110 cm (total) 2007

Sarajevo is a small watercolour, gouache and pencil painting. It depicts Canadian peacekeepers on one of the many past UN peacekeeping missions that we have become so proud of. This painting is based on a diorama found in the Royal Canadian Regiment Museum in London, Ontario and it is part of my ongoing consideration of the question, how do we represent our military history?

1812 watercolour 20 x 25 cm 2008


watercolour 20 x 25 cm 2008


watercolour, ink & charcoal, 120 x 75 cm. 2010.

Little Somme oil on paper 50 x 65 cm 2009

Little Somme

oil on paper 50 x 65 cm 2009

Cuttting watercolour, ink wash and coffee over pencil on blue paper. 2009

Untitled (cutting)

watercolour, ink wash and coffee over pencil on blue paper. 2009


Working Up oil on paper 42 x 30 cm 2008

Working Up

oil on paper 42 x 30 cm 2008

Trenches oil on paper 42 x 30 cm 2008


oil on paper 42 x 30 cm 2008

Bombs watercolour over ballpoint pen 22 x 17 cm 2008


watercolour over ballpoint pen 22 x 17 cm 2008


Museum Sketch (study for “Groundwork”) watercolour and ballpoint pen 32 x 15 cm 2009

Museum Sketch (study for “Groundwork”)

watercolour and ballpoint pen 32 x 15 cm 2009

Bunker watercolour and ink 20 x 26 cm 2008


watercolour and ink 20 x 26 cm 2008


Test Run ink, watercolour, gesso & oil paint on blue paper 43 x 50 cm 2009

Test Run

ink, watercolour, gesso & oil paint on blue paper 43 x 50 cm 2009