History Painting
“Mr Tremeer’s project, Painting History/ History Painting, was found by the jury to be a profound yet sensitive exploration of visual representations of history, calling into question their claims of “authenticity and truth”.
Fera Frenkel, Plaskett Foundation Chair, 2007
Action Painting
The museum diorama makes claims of realism and authenticity to bring history alive. Painting from these models raises new narratives and demonstrates our distance from the past.
The commercial packaging of model kits and toys awakens the model’s potential. As hobbyist turned artist, I cherished and kept these boxes even when my model building expertise left something to be desired. These paintings are made upon the original model box lids. The models are gone but the boxes survive.
Prints & Sculpture
The precision and labour of printmaking parallels the craft of model building. Etchings, mezzotints and linocuts.
Archival images lead us to gaze upon the past. Redrawing these old images invites reinterpretation and wonderment.