As a kid I liked history and its stories. I had a train set and built model kits. Ultimately the train outgrew its table, wrapped itself around the room and was overrun by Hot Wheels cars and small soldiers. Today I continue to think about model building - albeit dioramas associated with museums, train sets, doll houses and pop-up books.
My art is rooted in a passion for museums, collections and history. In my paintings, smallness and the minor art materials of the past (pencil, gouache, watercolour and print) echo the demise of history-painting as a persuasive force today. My paintings strategically fall short of the grand narrative tradition and instead play with history by recalling war's
representation via film, illustration and models. Given Canada's recent involvement in conflict zones around the world, questions as to how we recall our history has been a timely subject these past years.
- Todd Tremeer